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Victims of Violence and Trauma | Community Counseling Services

Victims of Violence and Trauma

Are you or someone you know in a victim of violence or assault? The resources listed below are available to adult and child victims in Los Angeles and Ventura counties.

Intimate Partner Violence includes:                                                          

  • feeling humiliated or punished or threatened
  • being forced to have sex
  • having no free access to finances
  • feeling isolated, not able to be with friends or family

Child Abuse Includes:

  • physical abuse
  • Neglect of a child's basic needs
  • sexual abuse
  • abandonment (being left alone)
  • witnessing violence directly


We provide high-quality counseling to adult and child survivors. If you are currently in or have been in a violent relationship, you may qualify for these services.

Survivor's Resources

Ventura County Resources

Coalition for Family Harmony

Offers crisis response, shelters, legal help, parenting classes, and counseling.

Bilingual Hotline: 800.300.2181
Main Office: 805.983.6014
Emergency Shelter: 805.654.1111
Email: gethelp@thecoalition.org

Interface Children and Family Services

Emergency and transitional shelters, 24/7 Family Violence Response Team, counseling, and parenting support.

Many Mansions

Affordable housing, job development, life skills training, and food assistance.

Prototypes Women's Center

Provides housing and support for women and children recovering from domestic violence, substance abuse, trauma, and mental or physical health problems.
805.382.5150 Ventura County
Oxnard Women's Center 805.382.6296

Ventura County Child and Elder/Dependent Adult Reporting

24/7 Reporting line for child and elder/dependent adult abuse
Child & Elder/Dependent Reporting

DA Crime Victim's Assistance Program-Ventura County

Offers legal counsel and court advocacy for victims of domestic violence.
805.654.3622-Ventura County

Los Angeles County Resources

Los Angeles County Domestic Violence Hotline

Assists victims to find a safe way out of their abusive environments.

Strength United

Offers crisis response, Family Justice Center, education & prevention classes, and counseling.
818.886.0453 Crisis Hotline 24/7
818.787.9700 Non-crisis line
Strength United

1736 Family Crisis Center

Emergency Shelter and outpatient services for domestic violence survivors, and persons in crisis.
24 Hour Hotlines
1736 Family Crisis Center


Affordable housing

Prototypes Women's Center

Provides housing and support for women and children recovering from domestic violence, substance abuse, trauma, and mental or physical health problems.
213.542.3838-Los Angeles County

Los Angeles Child and Elder/Dependent Adult Reporting

24/7 Reporting lines for child or elder/dependent adult abuse.
800.540.4000-Reporting for a Child
Child Abuse Reporting
877.477.3646-Reporting for an Adult Elder/Dependent

DA Crime Victims Assistance Program-Los Angeles County

Offers legal counsel and court advocacy for victims of domestic violence.
213-974-3512-Los Angeles County
800-457-7778-TTY Los Angeles County

About the Program

We aim to provide a therapeutic relationship that reliably supports your emotional development in order for you and your family to heal. Our focus is to provide self awareness and support for survivors.

Participants attend weekly therapy sessions with Marriage and Family Therapy Trainees/Interns or
Doctoral Trainees/Interns under the supervision of licensed mental health professionals.

Periodically we offer group therapy for those attending the program, which allows participants the opportunity to explore relationship dynamics and intimate partner interactions in the midst of a supportive group environment.

Violence in the home is especially harmful for children and adolescents. Witnessing domestic violence between parents can lead to a variety of mental health issues, which require specific expertise or knowledge to help children heal.

For more information, please contact:

Oxnard Clinic

Westlake Village Clinic
